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Welcome to the world of animal communication

Communication Animale et Intuitive Pays de La Loire Caroline ADAMSKI, résoudre, accompagner, et anticiper grâce à la communication animale et intuitive ( communication de type télépathique, intra-espèces et inter-espèces, entre l'homme et les  animaux )

"Animals have descended from the stars to help the human kind to  grow", proverb of the Hopi Indians

Communication Animale et Intuitive Pays de La Loire Caroline ADAMSKI, résoudre, accompagner, et anticiper grâce à la communication animale et intuitive ( communication de type télépathique, intra-espèces et inter-espèces, entre l'homme et les  animaux )
Communication Animale et Intuitive Pays de La Loire Caroline ADAMSKI, résoudre, accompagner, et anticiper grâce à la communication animale et intuitive ( communication de type télépathique, intra-espèces et inter-espèces, entre l'homme et les  animaux )
Communication Animale et Intuitive Pays de La Loire Caroline ADAMSKI, résoudre, accompagner, et anticiper grâce à la communication animale et intuitive ( communication de type télépathique, intra-espèces et inter-espèces, entre l'homme et les  animaux )

"Dogs are our bridge - our connection to who we really are, and most importantly, who we want to be"

"Two feet move our body, four hooves carry our soul"

" The cat reminds us of the joy of being"

Welcome to the world of animal communication, also called: intuitive communication or animal telepathy.


Unlike the behaviorist who learns to decode the different postures adapted by the animal, its facial expressions, its reactions, its gestures, its body language ...

Animal communication enables a mind-to-mind, soul-to-soul, and heart-to-heart connection, as effective from a distance as it is face-to-face. It is possible with all animals.


The human brain is endowed with incredible abilities. However, we live in a society that favors the rational side of things, rather than what has to do with intuition.


Here is a quote to illustrate this fact of society:


          “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We created a company

who honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. ” 

Albert Einstein


It's amazing, even confusing to some, what quantum physics is breaking through and continuing to explain and rationalize. The human brain has limitless capacities and with certain very common practical exercises such as: visualization, meditation, cardiac coherence we are able to reconnect to capacities hitherto dormant. For this, it is necessary to get to master your mind as best as possible. Coaching, support is sometimes necessary to help us reconnect with these extrasensory faculties, it is therefore possible to be supervised during training in animal communication, where a reconnection to oneself takes place. After certain exercises, when we get to put our thoughts on  pause, can then begin the process of communication with the animal world.


This type of communication which is non-verbal communication transcends what we are used to, which is:  

  • verbal language: which understands the words used; 

  • para-verbal language: intonation, volume, timbre and 

  • non-verbal language: anything related to body language,  (posture, facial expressions, micro-movements, breathing)


Because yes, a lot of this information is processed unconsciously by our brain. Whether it is between human beings or even with our animals, we capture a lot of elements through their gestural communication (look, expression, gait…) that we will interpret in a certain way.


This in this case can sometimes be biased by our own beliefs (what we have been taught), our mood of the day, our feelings, etc., because unconsciously, it is something that we do constantly (in the face of the same situation , 2 people can understand and analyze the same thing in completely different ways).


Hence the magic of animal (or intuitive) communication which allows effective and deep listening with animals, an inter-species dialogue where words and gestures no longer need to be.


This mode of communication makes it possible to establish a bridge with living beings who are simply lacking in speech. By this telepathic connection (scientifically explained, see the tab  : " what is it ?" ), it is possible to understand the reason for the problematic behavior of our companions, to better understand their needs, to warn them of an important change, ... see the tab : "when, why?"


Adapting to your interlocutor (regardless of the species of your animal, they all have a soul, and communication is thus possible) goes without saying, because depending on the animal, its sensitivity, its experience, its personality , a good animal communicator must show active listening, with a lot of empathy, without passing judgment or interpreting the feelings, the messages that the animals pass through us, by depositing their own perceptions or beliefs, because I considers it essential to convey animal messages as accurately as possible. To be as authentically as possible “the mouth of the animal”, its spokesperson in a way.


This interpersonal communication technique for animals, gives rise to a suitable space to receive deep and benevolent messages which come to touch on this emotional part that there is in each of us, the messages of the animals have only one goal, when they relate to us, it is always to help us on the road to healing for better well-being.  


Between the receiver (myself) and the sender (your animal), there is you, the human so loved by this animal, who loves you with unconditional love, he delivers you messages that sometimes require you to think about it, which can bring us  to distinguish between what is conscious and unconscious, because following their magnificent messages we can become aware, by decoding, deciphering well-established psychological mechanisms, things that happen in us, that we feel but that sometimes can be in "the background"… Yes, they can send us messages of a certain depth, always in all kindness, because they feel a lot of what we are going through.


To summarize this inter-species connection, the bases of animal communication are to listen to the other, with his heart wide open, and to consider him as an individual in his own right, with emotions, needs ...


No more need for verbal or non-verbal signals to communicate in this way, because it is this communication technique brings us back to basics, knowing how to welcome what the other feels, without a priori. Animal communication can be seen as spiritual but it also helps many people / animals in a very down to earth way, for example understanding and solving a problem of a cat urinating next to its litter box, or calming a dog down to the ground. 'then panicked in the car, understand why your horse has become depressed, etc ...


Because, yes, the whole point of this approach is to communicate effectively with kindness and accuracy in order to understand his interlocutor in depth: his needs, his messages.


Adapting to each communication is part of my job, because just like us, they all have their uniqueness, their personality. Good communication always includes a listening phase before asking them our questions (see the tab: "about consultations" ).


Beyond listening to them, and sending you their beautiful messages, I also offer energy treatments for our dear companions, (see the tab: "physical healing" ).


You will find all the necessary information on the different services that I offer in the tab: "services".

I also invite you to go to the testimonials tab  where many people gave me feedback after a session.


And finally, if you want to contact me, it's here: contact Caroline.

D'ici Février, mon site internet va faire peau neuve.

Il changera complètement de look.


Il y a beaucoup de nouvelles prestations concernant les humains, descriptif, pour le moment, sur l'onglet "prendre rendez-vous"

© Caroline Adamski  2020 

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