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  • To offer a gift card | Communicationanimale

    Offrir une carte cadeau Du fait, que plusieurs personnes me l'ont demandé, oui cela est possible d'offrir une séance de communication animale à un proche. Il est tout de même préférable que la personne concernée ai fait part de son envie de faire de la communication animale. Par expérience, je sais que les animaux ont la plupart du temps, des messages à faire passer à leur humain, il est donc important que celui-ci y soit réceptif, de même si jamais l'animal a des petites demandes qu'il aimerait que l'on mette en place. ​La carte cadeau est personnalisable, et est envoyée par mail à réception du paiement. Vous pouvez m'indiquez le montant de votre participation, vous n'êtes pas obligé d'acheter l'intégralité d'une prestation. ​ La carte cadeau est valable un an à compter de la date d'achat. La carte cadeau est disponible sur l'ensemble de mes prestations (séance de communication animale, soins énergétiques, initiation à la communication animale, les différents accompagnements..) Voici un exemple de la carte cadeau : Si vous souhaiter acheter une cadeau, vous pouvez m’envoyer un mail à cette adresse : , me contacter au ou remplir un formulaire ici .

  • When ? Why ? | Communicationanimale

    When is an animal communication needed? Whatever the situation, animal communication is always very enriching, your bond with the animal is transformed, your relationship gains in depth ... Animal communication can be to know if your animal is feeling good, happy, to resolve a problem that you are having with him, to let him know about a big change coming up, or for an animale at the end of his life. Animal communication will always be useful, benevolent, transformative, it can bring so much to the both of you, your animal and yourself. Animal communication is possible with ALL animals without exception ​ Distance plays no role in the quality of our exchange. ​ ​ ​ Here are examples, where animal communication can provide answers: It can simply be to find out : -If your pet is happy, -If he feels good physically, -Its needs, desires? -What he thinks exactly, If you have problems with your pet, if his behavior questions you? Through communication with your pet, I can understand the reason for his behavioral problem and explain it to you. I would be able to ask him what he needs to stop doing this. Please note that the examples which follow are only a “sample” of what can be found in everyday life. Each story, each situation is unique. To illustrate my remarks: A jack russel who lives with a single person, she works outdoors and takes her dog with her every day (he barks continuously) VS a jack russel in an apartment with a couple and two children (he barks also continuously), their identical behavior is however linked to totally different reasons. No matter why you want to use animal communication for, it will always be a great experience! It will always be of great help, and beneficial to both humans and animals. In a word: POSITIVE ! Here are some examples, where animal communication can become your best ally: -If your pet : -is aggressive -has no more appetite -seems depressed -is fearful (etc) ​ -If your cat scratches / bites you frequently -If your cat relieves himself elsewhere than in his litter box - If your cat claws everywhere in your home (walls, curtains, sofas ...) (etc) ​ -If your dog constantly barks -If your dog howls/cries/barks as soon as you leave him alone -If your dog destroys your furniture when you are away from home -If your dog tends to run away -If your dog is aggressive towards other dogs and the walk gets complicated (etc) ​ -If you want to know if your horse wants to live out in the field, or in the box… -If you want to know if your horse likes, or would be happy to do horse shows? -If you want to understand why your horse rears up and/or bucks frequently? -If you want to ask your horse, if he wants to be retired or still continue to be ridden a little bit? -If you want to know if your mare would like to have a foal? -If you want to prepare your horse for a change of environement… (etc) ​ If you want to prepare, warn your pet of something: ​ For example: -for surgery, -for sterilization, -for a divorce, -for the arrival of a baby home, -for moving, -for the arrival of another animal, -for a professional trip where you cannot take your pet, -for vacations where you can't take your pet, etc ​ If you wish to adopt an animal, ask him: ​ -What kind of home would he like? -If he likes the presence of children? -If he likes the company of other animals (dogs / cats ...)? -What does he think of the person who would like to adopt him? -What was his life like before arriving at the shelter...? And ask him your own questions ;) ​ And finally, when his life comes to an end ... I would like you to know that I can accompany you through this difficult time, the animal as its human. Animal communication helps you prepare for this separation, in a more serene way. You can know exactly what he needs (calm, companionship, intervention by the veterinarian or not yet, etc.) what he wants, the last messages he would like to convey to you. Because very often, in front of our immense sorrow, we delay in taking the right decision. The animals are able to hold back, and endure a lot of suffering to stay a little longer by our side ... Thanks to my support for their end of life, this transition can be made with more gentleness and peace. ​ Please note that communication with our deceased animals is also possible. Do not hesitate to contact me, if you need further information.

  • What is it ? | Communicationanimale

    Animal communication ... what is it? How it works? It is a communication by transmission of thought, by telepathy therefore. This means that two living beings are able to communicate without spoken language, thanks to the exchange of feelings, emotions, images, sounds, smells, etc., this can vary. The distance does not matter because it is a holistic movement. I live in Europe, and that I communicate with an animal in France, in Italy, in Australia or in the United States, it will not make any difference in the quality of our exchange. It is important to me to clarify that this is not a gift, all human beings are capable of it. (Yes!) However, very young we have to conform to the society in which we live (unconsciously or consciously). We are very quickly confronted with all the requirements that we must meet (from kindergarten). And this is how, little by little, we begin to “be formatted”, to undo ourselves, to move away from this kind of “unusual” capacities, we put them aside and as we grow older we forget… Every day we experience several states of consciousness. Scientists distinguish 5 types of brain waves in humans: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and ALPHA. Depending on the activity we are doing, the brain emits different waves, examples: ​ Beta waves (from 13 to 30 Hz) are the waves which correspond to the processing of information, we are then in an active state, awake. ​ Alpha waves (8 to 13 Hz) correspond to those where we are awake but in a relaxed state, in mild relaxation or in calm awakening. ​ For animals, their brains are constantly functioning in alpha waves (hence their natural ability to communicate with each other without the need to speak). When I communicate with an animal, I am always alert but relaxed, my brain waves are then on the same frequency as them: alpha waves. It took some practice to be able to put my own thoughts aside and distinguish those of the animal. But with time, a lot of practice, and patience, each connection came with more and more ease, fluidity, and clarity. I am then ready to exchange, communicate beyond words with your animal. I take note of everything he has to convey during our exchange time, then I give you a detailed report of our communication. They are so happy to be able to talk to us and make each other understood, sometimes even relieved! ​ Everything I do happens with respect for everyone, in non-judgment and benevolence, I have an ethical code that is very close to my heart. I will tell you more in the tab :“About a session”.

  • Mentions légales | Communicationanimale

    MENTIONS LÉGALES ​​ En vertu de l’article 6 de la loi n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique, il est précisé aux utilisateurs du site l’identité des différents intervenants dans le cadre de sa réalisation et de son suivi : ​ Responsable de la publication: ​ Madame ADAMSKI Caroline Email de contact: ​ Hébergement Wixcom Inc. Adresse : 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158 Optimisation du site : Agence Fizzweb - Albi Site Internet – référencement de site Wix ​ Gestion des données personnelles. Les données personnelles sont notamment protégées par la loi n° 78-87 du 6 janvier 1978, la loi n° 2004-801 du 6 août 2004, l’article L. 226-13 du Code pénal et la Directive Européenne du 24 octobre 1995. A l’occasion de l’utilisation du site peuvent êtres recueillies : l’URL des liens par l’intermédiaire desquels l’utilisateur a accédé au présent site, le fournisseur d’accès de l’utilisateur, l’adresse de protocole Internet (IP) de l’utilisateur. En tout état de cause le site ne collecte des informations personnelles relatives à l’utilisateur que pour le besoin de certains services proposés par ce site. L’utilisateur fournit ces informations en toute connaissance de cause, notamment lorsqu’il procède par lui-même à leur saisie. Il est alors précisé à l’utilisateur du site, l’obligation ou non de fournir ces informations. Conformément aux dispositions des articles 38 et suivants de la loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, tout utilisateur dispose d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et d’opposition aux données personnelles le concernant, en effectuant sa demande écrite et signée, accompagnée d’une copie du titre d’identité avec signature du titulaire de la pièce, en précisant l’adresse à laquelle la réponse doit être envoyée. Aucune information personnelle de l’utilisateur du présent site n’est publiée à l’insu de l’utilisateur, échangée, transférée, cédée ou vendue sur un support quelconque à des tiers. Seule l’hypothèse du rachat de ce site et de ses droits permettrait la transmission des dites informations à l’éventuel acquéreur qui serait à son tour tenu de la même obligation de conservation et de modification des données vis à vis de l’utilisateur du présent site, Le site n’est pas déclaré à la CNIL car il ne recueille pas d’informations personnelles. ​ Cookies Un cookie est une suite d’informations envoyée par un site Internet à un ordinateur sous la forme d’un petit fichier de données. Les cookies sont utiles pour faciliter la personnalisation de votre accès à nos services en ligne. Ils peuvent être utilisés pour une authentification, une session, stocker une information spécifique comme les préférences sur un site ou le contenu d’un panier d’achat électronique. Le stockage des cookies se fait par le biais du navigateur Web utilisé par l’internaute (par exemple Internet Explorer). Il existe deux types de cookies : – les cookies de session sont supprimés de votre ordinateur lorsque vous fermez votre navigateur. – les cookies permanents restent stockés sur votre ordinateur après la fermeture du navigateur. Les cookies sont cependant anonymes et ne sont en aucun cas utilisés pour collecter des informations personnelles. Le présent site utilise les cookies dans le seul but d’obtenir des statistiques de navigation à l’exclusion de tout tracking personnel. ​ Nous vous informons que vous pouvez vous opposer à l'enregistrement de cookies en configurant votre navigateur de la manière suivante : ​ POUR MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER 7.0 ET SUIVANT: Dans la barre de menu, choisir le menu outils; Dans le menu déroulant, choisir options internet; Cliquer sur l'onglet confidentialité; Cliquer sur le bouton avancé de la section paramètres; Dans la fenêtre paramètres de confidentialité avancés vérifier que l'option ignorer la gestion automatique des cookies n'est pas cochée. ​ POUR FIREFOX À PARTIR DE LA VERSION 12 : Dans la barre de menu, choisir le menu outils; Dans le menu déroulant, choisir options; Cliquer sur l'icone vie privée; Cliquer sur le lien supprimer des cookies spécifiques; Dans la fenêtre Cookies, cliquer sur le bouton Supprimer tous les cookies. ​ POUR OPÉRA À PARTIR DE LA VERSION 11 : Choisissez le menu; Dans la liste, choisir réglages puis supprimer les informations privées...; Cliquer sur le bouton supprimer. ​ POUR GOOGLE CHROME : Cliquer sur l'icone Personnaliser et configurer Google Chrome; Choisir dans la liste Paramètres; Cliquer sur Afficher les paramètres avancés...; Cliquer sur le bouton Paramètres de contenu; Cliquer sur le bouton Cookies et données de site...; Cliquer sur le bouton Tout supprimer. ​ Nous vous informons néanmoins que l’accès à certains services et rubriques du Site pourra être altéré voire impossible du fait de la suppression des cookies.

  • Physical healing | Communicationanimale

    Give your animal a healing session ​ Beyond my dedication to listening to your animals and relaying what they have to say, what they feel, I also help them in another way: through a healing session. This can be done in addition to an animal communication or independently. ​ What is it ? An energy treatment as well as animal communication can be done from a distance. I can understand that there are skeptics among you, how is that possible would you tell me ?? A great man once said: “Regarding the matter, we were wrong. What we have called matter is only energy which has slowed down its vibration in order to be perceptible by our senses. There is no matter. Everything vibrates at particular levels. ” Albert Einstein It's about quantum physics. To explain to you, everything is energy. Indeed, there are things that are part of our daily life and that we never question, even if we do not see them. For example: sound, WIFI: both intangible, we can neither catch it, nor see it, but we can measure it using machines, tools. It is the same for the brain waves, as I explain it in the tab "animal communication, what is it" ... The most important in an energy treatment is not the proximity of the 2 physical bodies but the intention of the therapist. A deep intention of benevolence to help the other. Everything is frequency, vibration. For your animals, I work as for animal communications : I need his photo where he is whole, alone, and where I can see his eyes. A photo less than 3 months old is preferable. If you wish, you can tell me (or not) about the health problem(s) of your pet. An animal that does not necessarily have diseases or problems may well benefit from a healing session. We can always bring well-being, boost up his vitality, etc. In what situation should I offer a healing session to my pet ? No matter what he is suffering from and the severity, it will always give him a extra help, a boost of energy, relief (physical and/or emotional), in some cases an acceleration of his healing, or even help to lengthen his life expectancy (this will depend on the stage of the disease). [NB: in this type of situation, a single treatment will not suffice, of course] I would like to point out that an energetic treatment never replaces the opinion of the veterinarian or an allopathic treatment. Here is a non-exhaustive list where a treatment can contribute to the well-being of your animal: Apathy During/after illness (mild or severe such as cancer) After surgery After giving birth After a traumatic shock Digestion problem Ulcers Lameness Osteoarthritis Burns (skin, pad, etc.) Skin diseases ETC Contact me if you have any doubts. [NB: a healing session for your animal does you good indirectly, because we are closely linked by feelings, emotions and in energy] My techniques as a magnetizer-healer I have followed several trainings, in addition to my intuitive channel. I work using dowsing boards, a pendulum, dowsing rods, in order to help me establish an energy diagnosis. For the care in itself I work with the help of magnetizer passes, healer prayers and thanks to the intervention of Divine Energies. Before providing care to the animal, I always ask its permission, (just like for communication). I also check using a dowsing board if I am the right person, at this present moment to provide him the care. And from there, the treatment can begin. After the treatment, I will give you a summary of what I detected, worked on and treated. It is either in writing or orally, because unlike animal communication sessions, I do not work by appointment for an healing session. The price of an energy treatment is 50€ All animal species combined (Exotics pets welcome, fishes too, ALL)

  • Demi-journées de pratique entre initiés | Communicationanimale

    Sessions de pratiques encadrées (Retrouvez les dates ci-dessous ⬇)​ ​ Prérequis : avoir suivi l'initiation à la communication animale ​ Comme toute activité (sportive, artistique, linguistique, etc), il est important de pratiquer régulièrement pour parfaire ses acquis. Il me paraît donc essentiel de vous proposer des temps ensemble où nous allons communiquer avec des animaux : afin de vous aider à continuer de développer et affiner vos ressentis/perceptions, ainsi que faire grandir votre confiance en vous. Ce seront des moments riches en partage : en connexions humaines et animales bien entendu ! Nous pratiquerons avec les animaux des un(e)s et des autres, et d'autres animaux : domestiques (toujours dans un cadre éthique) et/ou sauvages. Pour 2023, sont indiquées ici les dates pour les demi-journées de pratiques (comptez environ 2-3 heures ensemble). Chaque session est validée, sous réserve de 2 participant(e)s minimum. Le prix est de 60€ par session de pratique. Dates à venir : ​ ​ ----- ​ ​ Pour s'inscrire, vous pouvez m’envoyer un mail à cette adresse : , me contacter au ou remplir un formulaire ici .

  • Gift card | Communicationanimale

    Gift card : Several people after their session wanted to offer a consultation to a loved one, so here are the gift cards: Follow-up package ​ Family package ​ Sponsorship package

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